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About Us

Badminton Coaching For Everyone

The coaching staff in D&J develop a variety of programs with the needs of their trainees in mind. Training programs range from various levels of group lessons and one on one private training as well. Our coaches hold the NROC and MOE certificates and are accomplished players and respected members of the badminton community in Singapore.

Our coaches lead by example and are highly energised. Their ability in motivating students is unparalleled as they themselves exude positivity and enthusiasm for the sport. In doing so, they are able to generate the desire to excel in their students. Just as important is keeping the lessons fun, fresh and challenging and to always continue to evolve with the current techniques. They understand that every student is different and thereby feel that individualistic communication and motivation is needed to cater to each student.

Our coaches are disciplined, strong in character and integrity. As such they are looked up as role models. Our coaches are in the profession because they love what they do.

Empowering Champions, Elevating Performance

We aim to develop students to build a strong mind and body. Through our training, we aim to inculcate in them a strong mentality to face adverse situations on and off the court while also training them to gain the physical strength and endurance to handle any situation.


Our vision is to strive for excellence and celebrate accomplishments. We value learning as a journey and not a destination. D&J’s journey reflects dedication, team spirit and hard work.


Our mission is to inspire students of all ages to build a strong mind, body, skills and strategies to achieve their highest potential both on and off the court. We set the highest standards to provide comprehensive and systematic training programmes that meet the needs of all levels of play.

Our Core Values

Team Work






What Our Client Say About Us

P1 Student
我的儿子非常喜欢D&J这个“大家庭”,他从P1开始在丁教练的指导下,接受一对一的专业训练,技术和技巧上都有显著的增长,能够很好的帮助他成为一名羽毛球员。在俱乐部的小组训练中,我的儿子也认识了很多同样爱好羽毛球的球员们并成为好朋友,他们相互陪伴一起成长很开心。 在第D&J成为RTC指定俱乐部后,有更多的优秀的球员、知名教练加入这个俱乐部“大家庭”,RTC组在金教练、丁教练、黄教练、伏教练专业教练团队共同的指导训练下,球员有很多对抗比赛及体能训练很好为比赛做准备。

Group B 2023
“A good coach can change the game. A great coach can change the life.”

Sarah joined D&J in June. Subsequently, I also transferred my son, Samuel, in August officially. They both now train regularly twice a week, one private lesson and one group training in D&J.

What really surprised us as parents were not only the improvements that we see under the coaching of coach Yun Ning, but the attitude and motivation in both the children. Afterall, a coach can share and impart the knowledge and skills, but the key in building success must come from the children. She is impressive in her means to build rapport with the children and come up with creative ways to change their bad habits. The children just adore her!

Both start to love the sport. They have shown determination and never once complained when training with the club, friends, their school or even on their own! The children will diligently reflect on their training and adhere to the physical training activities assigned. We have never experienced that kind of commitment from them.
Mrs Lee
Mother of Samuel and Sarah in D&J
“You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within.”

I must credit this to all the coaches along the way, especially coach Yun Ning. She has sent such a strong vibe and love for the sport that the children just rub it off, by talking and training with her! Kudos on that because a good coach inspires! She is patient yet firm, insisting on perfection not only in their performance, but every little detail. This inculcates good habits such as being punctual, responsibility and discipline. The rest just falls in place thereafter, and slowly but surely, we will get there!
Mrs Lee
Mother of Samuel and Sarah in D&J
My two girls have been with D&J for a few years. Their badminton skills have improved greatly, and most importantly, they still look forward to training every week. Apart from drilling of techniques and sparring, after training, the players will do at least half an hour of physical fitness exercises, which is not only very beneficial for their stamina on court, but also in aspects outside of badminton. In fact, my kids now find the 1.6km jogging event for their NAPFA test in school a breeze!

The coaches in D&J are committed to helping the players improve. Special mentions go to Coach Ding, Coach Jin, Coach Isyean, and Coach Ronald, who believe in my girls and give them encouragement. The club also regularly organises friendly matches and overseas training camps to up the level of the players. The family-like environment has also allowed my girls to make many good friends in D&J. Doing the tough trainings together with their friends makes them feel they are not alone, and they often support each other. We are thankful to D&J for nurturing our girls into the confident, happy learners that they are now.
Mother of Ellie and Emma
Ang Kal Syi
I have been training with D&J since 2021 and their coaching has impacted my badminton journey profoundly. Throughout the past two years, my coaches’ expertise and dedication have helped my clubmates and me to hone our skills, allowing us to display our hard work during competitions. Not only has their guidance pushed me to constantly grow and excel, the coaches have also taught me the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork, and perseverance. I owe my growth and success in badminton to their continuous support and excellent mentorship.

My little chubby girl has improved leaps n bounds ever since coming under the wings of coach Jin n Ding from D&J Badminton Club. Thank you to all the coaches n players at D&J for making who she is today. Hope she will continue to train hard, enjoy the sport and make lifelong friends from the club.
Ang Kal Syi
Kal Syi and Parents

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